Partial Flow Sensitivity
Subhajit Roy and Y.N. Srikant

(November 2006)

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Filed on November 23, 2006
Updated on December 19, 2006

We propose a partial flow-sensitivity algorithm which tries to draw
on the scalability of flow-insensitive algorithms while providing
more precision at some specific program points. Provided with a set
of critical nodes - basic blocks at which more precise information
is desired - our partially flow-sensitive algorithm computes a reduced
control-flow graph by collapsing some sets of non-critical nodes.
The algorithm is more scalable than a fully flow-sensitive one as,
assuming that the number of critical nodes is small, the reduced flow-graph
is much smaller than the original flow-graph. At the same time, a
much more precise information is obtained at certain program points
than would had been obtained from a flow-insensitive algorithm.

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[Updated at 2009-10-22T06:42Z]