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The Story of Arjun Guha, or: the Arc of a Research Project

Series: Department Seminar

Speaker: Shriram KrishnamurthiVice President for Programming LanguagesBrown UniversityProvidence, RI, USA

Date/Time: Aug 21 17:30:00

Location: Online on Zoom: Meeting ID: 947 6976 4745 at 5:30pm IST

Faculty Advisor:

There are many ways to do research successfully, so you should take all advice with a pinch of salt. That said, I will try to describe some of the attributes that have worked well for my students and me. To make it concrete, I will use my former student, Arjun Guha, as a case study. I will strip away most of the technical detail while trying to retain the essential ideas, so people from any area of computer science will be able to follow almost all of it. Questions are welcome at any time. The talk will be followed by plenty of time for Q&A.

Speaker Bio:
Shriram is the Vice President for Programming Languages at Brown University in Providence, RI, USA. He is not, really, but thats what it says on his business card. At heart, he is a person of ill-repute: a Schemer, Racketeer, and Pyreteer. He believes tropical fruit are superior to all other kinds. He is terrified of success, because he may be forced to buy a suit. He is known to interrogate his audiences to ensure they are paying attention. So, be alert. You can read email later.
On a more serious note: Shriram Krishnamurthi is a Professor in the Computer Science at Brown University. Shrirams research has cut across multiple disciplines ranging from Security, Networking, Formal Methods, and HCI, but always rooted firmly in programming language theory. Shriram has also made significant contributions to Computer Science education and outreach. Shriram is a recipient of SIGPLANs Robin Milner Young Researcher Award (2012), SIGSOFTs Influential Educator Award (2018), SIGPLANs Software Award (jointly in 2018), and Brown Universitys Wriston Fellowship.

Meeting ID: 947 6976 4745
A few Zoom protocol recommendations:
You are welcome to share video; the more people that do, the more it feels like we have a group of people rather than a sterile set of boxes. On the other hand, you are welcome to not share video for whatever reason (privacy, poor connection, etc.), which you dont have to explain or justify.
Questions are WELCOME! However, I want to make sure everyone gets a fair chance to ask them. Therefore, to ask questions, please use the Raise Hand feature, and I will call on you.
Please keep yourself muted, especially if you are in a noisy environment, unless you are asking a question. If you cant use audio, you are welcome to type questions.
I will NOT be looking at the chat. Therefore, if you ask questions unbidden in chat, I wont see them. Please only type questions into chat once you ave been called on to ask (at which point I will look to see if there is one in chat). You can always type your questions offline and keep them handy to paste into chat.

Host Faculty: Prof. Deepak DSouza